Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Artistic Endeavor: A Baseline Model for Continuous Improvement

The Artistic Endeavor is a deeply personal venture that perhaps cannot be fully explained nor defined due to its prevalence, range and complexity in the human experience. I have considered other reference material, my own experience and insight, artists I have known or studied, and case studies of extreme examples to formulate this model at this time. I share it realizing that the viewer may very well assign from their own perspective a different value, order, weight, priority, or new element. For me today, the Artistic Endeavor.....

(1)   Values and increases Freedom of Insight, Formulation, and Exhibition emphasizing personal and individual Freedom of Expression
(2)   Focuses on and expresses one's own Life Force, Personal Energy, Self, personality, and style
(3)   Listens to, values, and respects the Inner Voice
(4)   Results in new, original Artifacts with some degree of  Aesthetic Value, Lasting Value or Potential Effect
(5)   Expresses a Vision and/or Objective with Meaningful Content and an Emotion
(6)   Involves the Selection of Media
(7)   Involves a Channel and Venue resulting in some level of Communication Effectiveness
(8)   Has a unique Drive, Search, and Intensity to the Journey in what becomes the Realized Path
(9)   Results in an individual's growth towards their Unique Potential which eventually becomes Ultimate and Final Realized Potential
(10) Involves Sharing Your Worldview with an intended or un-intended Audience
(11) Elicits awareness of, sensitivity to, and influence by Internal and External Sources and acts as Sensor-Receptor
(12) Is a Persevering Lifestyle not necessarily a temporary situation
(13) Does not imply or necessarily result in Making an Income from art
(14) Is different than being an Art Marketer, Gallery Owner, or having a Business in Art
(15) Is different than Exhibiting Art or Publishing Art
(16) Is different than just having an Art Appreciation
(17) Is different than being an Art Collector
(18) Is different than being an Art Critic
(19) Is different than being an Art Copyist, Art Counterfeiter, or a Fraud
(20) Is different than being an Art Teacher, Instructor, Mentor or Coach, Counselor, or Leader with Followers
(21) Is different than being an Art Student or Art Professional (With Education, Training, Position, Achievements, Competition, Credits, Awards, Dedication, Portfolio, Studio, References, Acclaim, Reputation, Self-description)
(22) Is different than having Art Knowledge, Ability, Skills, Experience, Competence, Talent, Tools, and Materials
(23) Is not dependent upon attributed Art Feedback, Critique, nor Opinion
(24) May exhibit, value, and embrace Respect for Diversity
(25) Undoubtedly will cause one to personally face and experience Failure, Fear, Doubt, Rejection, and Risk
(26) Involves Partial and Temporary Fulfillment through the Creative Pursuit

Summary: Worth all of a quarter and a penny for the 26 elements today. Left-brain and right-brain stuff. Is a foundation for where I am jumping off from, headed to, and why. Is subject to additions, deletions, and modifications in the future for numerous personally expected reasons. Perhaps this outline has some value for others along their path.

Question: Where did this start.....? "You're not an artist. You just have Internet."

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