Monday, October 8, 2012

Emergency Exit: A Sense of Foreboding

Getting up really early because I can't sleep is becoming a habit. After a few hours of work where I don't get interrupted or affect the family because they are sleeping, I ready for the train ride into the city. Today's ride in had a sense of foreboding. I seemed to be asking myself the question "Can I keep up this pace? I had thoughts of "pulling the plug" and "exiting stage right" from this frenetic fever and fury in employment. Hence, the Doom sketch. Seeking emergency exit and getting off the hook.

Daily Sketch: Doom - Copyright James E. Martin 2012

Daily Sketch: Columbus Day 03 - Copyright James E. Martin 2012

Daily Sketch: Columbus Day Likeness 01- Copyright James E. Martin 2012

Daily Sketch: Columbus Day Likeness 02 - Copyright James E. Martin 2012

Daily Sketch: Not in Isolation 01- Copyright James E. Martin 2012

Daily Sketch: Subway Likeness 01 - Copyright James E. Martin 2012

Daily Sketch: Subway Likeness 02 - Copyright James E. Martin 2012

Daily Sketch: Subway Likeness 03 - Copyright James E. Martin 2012

Daily Sketch: Subway Likeness 04 - Copyright James E. Martin 2012

So I am not in isolation during the planetary commute on this Columbus Day state holiday. Peeking out and observing in a quiet fashion. Captured many likenesses. Some with simple lines. Depicting larger sketches which is helping either the confidence or the flourish. I think this is the first group sketch of figures I have ever done. Sometimes I have only minutes or seconds to sketch what I see because subjects move their posture or leave their seat. 

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