Monday, October 1, 2012

A New Month: Building Character Along the Way

Monday on the Train is almost like any other day. But not today. We are off on another month of sketching to see what we shall see. People with possibilities. Interactions and dialogs with a tidal pool of people in the sea of humanity that change me. Will look back after the next moon.

Daily Sketch: Kilroy Was Here - Copyright James E. Martin 2012

Daily Sketch: Stalwart - Copyright James E. Martin 2012

Daily Sketch: Egghead - Copyright James E. Martin 2012

Daily Sketch: Dozing Accountant - Copyright James E. Martin 2012

Daily Sketch: Nodding Off - Copyright James E. Martin 2012

Daily Sketch: Shadowed - Copyright James E. Martin 2012

Daily Sketch: Character - Copyright James E. Martin 2012

I like Character.

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