Thursday, October 11, 2012

Beauty: A Grasp Not Quite Yet Within My Reach

This morning a pretty lady with some nurse's garb sat in the commuter rail bench seat next to me. She promptly closed her eyes and rested and only occasionally moved or opened her eyes to get her morning bearings. I have to say I was struck by her Beauty and figured to see if I could capture Beauty with my pencil. Although I managed a likeness of her, I think the Beauty that I saw was not quite within my artistic grasp this morning. A sketching goal to continue towards to have the ability to capture femininity, beauty, innocence, child likeness, or even venerable ageing, or frailty, or character in a drawing. The sketch makes her slightly younger than perhaps I remember.

Daily Sketch: Beauty with Likeness 01- Copyright James E. Martin 2012

So I continue the Daily Trudge. An apprentice to sketching and a journeyman seeking noble but elusive object attributes. But this is a first for me to move towards this attribute with my pencil. Thank you, Beauty.

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