Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Stylizing: Simple Lines to Calibrate

I had a sense over the last few days that many of my commuting sketches were not satisfying. So after a few quick failures and frustrations, I simplified the approach for one with the use of simple chiseled lines suitable for this individual. That helped me get back on track.

Daily Sketch: Chiseled Lines - Copyright James E. Martin 2012

Mass transit rails pose a lot of potential hazards and request people to Stand Back.

Daily Sketch: Stand Back - Copyright James E. Martin 2012

There are a lot of people watchers much like myself.

Daily Sketch: Young Perspective - Copyright James E. Martin 2012

And as I settled into my seat on the evening commuter rail, a luggage-overloaded traveler moved into the bench seat in front of me but had a covered beverage in his hand with an easy potential to crush and spill. I offered to hold the drink while he settled his packages. Then I got a sketch of him before the train got far from the station.

Daily Sketch: Hold Your Drink Friend - Copyright James E. Martin 2012

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