Sunday, March 10, 2013

A Long Month Behind Me: My Head But Not Hands in Art

My head but not my hand is in art the last 30 days. I see things and think things everyday about what to do and how to do it. But I haven't had the daily time available to execute. Spring is coming and I can't let this hiatus from art continue. Today is Sunday and I decide to return my hands to the Artistic Endeavor and the Creative Pursuit. I got up extra early in the morning to impose some extra quiet time without interfering with the family activities. Last week I had cleaned up and cleaned out some supplies and work area. Perhaps I am ready to begin today after that refreshing. What will it be like if I am "out-of-practice"?

There is a colorful and unique character at work. He is an artist. It shows in his manner, his voice, and his expressions. He has this WILD hair that depicts his creative energy. Since I have no hair, I am envious. He said he was going to get a springtime cut soon so I asked him if I could take a couple of snapshots with my smartphone before he lost his Sampson-like head of strength. So I have some images to work from. The photos do not quite do him justice in his magnificence. They don't really capture his likeness as I envision his full character, depth, and resonance. Despite some effort on my part to gain various positions and postures of the head in a few photos, the lighting is mediocre and doesn't cast any good shadows or highlights. I persevere through the photo renditions to obtain the following pastel sketch.

Copyright James E. Martin 2013: Savic 01

This is only my second portrait done in chalk pastels. The first was the winged cherub in pastel.
There are some things I like about this effort. But the scanner doesn't seem to quite capture the color as I see it on paper but, then again, it does, when I hold the original up to my computer display. I see but I don't see and with two different sets of eyes. I recall the sense that I don't want to overwork the drawing because I may lose the original freshness as I get to a certain point of the drawing's maturity. I also recall that I tend to like my art even more the longer that I look upon it.

So I try another attempt from a different perspective and try to embolden the chalk strokes. This is my third pastel portrait.

Copyright James E. Martin 2013: Savic 02

Another day I shall invite the subject's commentary and feedback. But for today, thank you Savic, for I am moving forward once again and have the inspiration from your persona that allows me to restart the Endeavor and the Pursuit in this moment. I should become like you, my friend.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Running on Empty: The Faceless Crowd

Today's sketches are entered in a belated fashion. The first sketch in South Station was for very quick head postures and outlines. But it seemed empty and depersonalized.

Copyright James E. Martin 2013: The Faceless Crowd

Then I switched it up to spend my time focusing on eyes only. This next is my last sketch until March. Changed my commute from train and subway to taking the car in to Boston. Cut the commute from six hours to two. So much for sustainable transportation modes. Work is extremely busy and I have longer days at work. Had to make a change to keep things reasonable. I have to figure out how to do art going forward. Can't execute during the commute anymore. Where to fit it in?

Copyright James E. Martin 2013: The Eyes Have It

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

End of the Transit Line - Momentary Scribbles

Most of my sketches for the last few weeks are of poor quality. Not good enough to share. I have the sense that I must do something different to extend outside the current comfort zone.  These are momentary scribbles.

Copyright James E. Martin 2012: Faceless in Ruggles 01

Copyright James E. Martin 2012: Faceless in Ruggles 02 

Monday, January 14, 2013

The Continuing Saga: I Select Subject for What I am Feeling

A distinctive character arrived on the subway but was not in position for very long. I observed and then drew this from memory. Looking back, I felt a bit gaunt myself after five months of long commuting into Boston. I was painting my future. I select subjects for what I am feeling and express the sense.

Copyright James E. Martin 2012: Gaunt Memory in Subway

Thursday, January 10, 2013

State of Mind - Exhausted in South Station

Today's entry is posted in a belated fashion but dated appropriately to the drawing's creation. My commute by rail and subway is entirely too long for me to sustain over the long term. From the time I leave the house to when I arrive at work is three hours to my work desk and three hours return at the end of the day. The selection of this person is indicative of my state of mind.

 Copyright James E. Martin 2013: Exhausted in South Station