Thursday, November 15, 2012

To Age 100: Live Today Deliberately

When my third daughter was born at my age 50, I thought how wonderful it would be to live to age 100. To see how her life matured into age 50 would be quite a Journey. I understood that to some degree, I had to do certain activities like Art activities in the present working years instead of in some future planned retirement. What if I didn't make it to those years. We never know our own timeline. We can only live today, in the moment, and make the best of what today has to offer. That perspective changed my enduring view and my daily priorities.

After about 90 days in a new job, new company, new role-responsibility, I have been brainstorming about what my next year should be about occupationally. But avocationally, I also have been thinking about how my Artistic Endeavor should, will, or ought to inform my life's outlook.

So in Living the Moment this morning, a bearded character of distinctive visage was sitting at a cafe table scribing notes. The South Station timepiece was in the background. A setting for Father Time. The result fit my thoughts and perspective. This Art is Living the Moment. Perhaps it is Painting the Future.

Daily Sketch: To Age 100 - Copyright James E. Martin 2012

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