Friday, November 16, 2012

Just Prior to a Miracle: Three Likeness

Some days are better than others. I was at the South Station cafe tables and was able to complete three likeness' before a miracle occurred. First, I share the three drawings.....then the story.

Daily Sketch: AM Likeness 01 - Copyright James E. Martin 2012

Daily Sketch: AM Likeness 02 - Copyright James E. Martin 2012

Daily Sketch: AM Likeness 03 - Copyright James E. Martin 2012

I met a young, 29 year old homeless acquaintance again at the South Station cafe tables. First met him in January when I was visiting the Boston Art Museum. Didn't have the resources to help then. Re-acquainted and helped him in October. Today, while I was doing these three sketches, he arrived with his back to me about 20 feet away amidst the cafe tables and he was asking for financial contributions from morning commuters again. I called out his name and asked him to join me. He turned around and it took him a moment to understand who I was. He appeared surprised to hear his name called out. As did the 20-30 people around us. Although he didn't need breakfast, his goal for the day was to raise money for a warm winter coat and boots at Goodwill. He was bright eyed and alert. His sneaker soles were flopped and ripped open. His hands were grimy and he had slept in the ATM booth the prior night. He told me about the day shelter he would go to for breakfast. I told him I had been praying for him since last I had seen him. We talked about those details for a few minutes. I gave him some $ towards his clothing goal. While talking with him, a young lady in Muslim garb approached us and handed him about $15. He was surprised and asked what was going on. In a few moments, another gentleman stopped by the table and placed a $20 bill in front of me. I immediately thanked him but pushed the bill across the table to John. More and more, he was tearful at the generosity of others. Answers to prayer. I can't say I had seen anything quite like it before. But I was pleased for John. So my additional prayer was that the givers and the moneys would be blessed and that John would make good decisions. Perhaps next time we meet, I can ask him for an opportunity to sketch him. And pay him for the time spent and the work effort. I will look for a coat and boots in the portrayal.

This is new ground for me to walk on. I bought a warm hat and cold weather gloves and put them in my knapsack in a waterproof bag in case I see John again or someone in need like him. A Metro newspaper survey was done and Boston has 6500 homeless folks heading into the winter weather. I know of four sleeping underneath a bridge in Cambridge. I think our local, state, and national priorities and dialogs are akimbo and policies and execution are thwarted away from daily needs. How can we have such distance between our money and our people.  "The poor shall always be with us."

An interesting morning to say the least.

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