Sunday, September 30, 2012

30 Days of Daily Sketching: Lessons Learned

Sundays are good days for reflection.

I have never done this concerted sketching before. It was a way to fit my Artistic Endeavor into an otherwise horrendously busy day while starting a new job. It was my personal time in the day for me. The mass transit is bumpy and jostling making it difficult to sketch at times. An eraser is handy. It can be crowded. I saw the value in drawing on a continuum between realism and caricature to capture a likeness. I thought faster was better and helped flow the work. Head and hair seemed easier. Eyes, nose, lips, and chin were more difficult especially if working towards a likeness. There were times to try and capture a feeling or a mood in an expression and were so labeled. Many positions, postures, and perspectives will be routine in the mass transit venue but the people and personalities will vary. Must guard against boring me or others. Opportunities include drawing a quick observation or moment from memory and one's minds eye. Within the month there were maybe six events that were special and above the ordinary in terms of effort and results and uniqueness. Out of twenty days of morning and evening commutes for forty total sessions. Must keep the pencil sharp. It makes a difference. Draw a bit heavier for emphasis, strength, and contrast as well as reproducing on the web. Try to post each weekend if not possible during the week. Develop a business card with the blog address and artist info to share and build.

The sketch this summer of RDGM at Play in July took some time and was very deliberate. The drawing was sourced from a photo. The work over the last 30 days demonstrates much more looseness to its creation and is sourced from life.

Would like to continue to mature my skills in daily sketching application but the competition for my time will probably increase. It will be interesting to see what the next thirty days reveal.

Daily Sketch: RDGM at Play - Copyright James E. Martin 2012

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