Friday, October 19, 2012

Exaggerated Caricature: Memorable

On the subway today, a very remarkable character boarded with just an amazing face. The person walked by me and took a seat at the far end of the car. I did not have a good vantage point to sketch them with any detail. But I stole occasional glances and sketched almost from memory what I observed. Very quickly, Memorable was gone at the next stop.

Daily Sketch: Exaggerated - Copyright James E. Martin 2012

The Phillipine man to my right was watching me do the sketch and smiled as he saw the sketch taking shape. Then he asked if I would sketch him after Exaggerated left the car. So I did, and he asked for the sketch. So I tore it out of my book and gave it to him.  He had an amazing complexion, a wonderful grin, and crinkly eyes. His hairline was distinctive. Of course I had to give away the sketch so I don't have it to scan and publish. But I decided to try and re-create it from memory but did not care for it as much. Both sketches were done extremely fast because my stop was coming up. His mouth was distinctive but it was the last attribute I was working on and I couldn't even get close to getting it right.

Daily Sketch: Phillipine from Memory- Copyright James E. Martin 2012

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