Although I find the controversy of who is an Artist versus Not-An-Artist compelling, it is also interesting to me to examine the concept and controversy of Good Art versus Bad Art. There is even a place where we can examine exemplars and non-exemplars directly. It is curious to note the presence of the Museum of Bad Art (MOBA) as a place where Artifacts considered "bad art" are curated. Some of the Artifacts are more representative or "popular" than others to illustrate the genre.

Photo Courtesy: Mama and Babe - Museum of Bad Art (MOBA)
The site provides numerous illustrations for the Good-Bad controversy in what might be considered the extreme end of the range. Society continues to reinforce a strong link between the Artist and their created Artifacts. Yet reviewers seem to be willing to assert that any Artifact that expresses an Artist's creativity is still Art. That's a courteous and respectful position. It is evident in this MOBA venue that Art's appraisal by reviewers is still quite Subjective even in this lower range of acceptability. As bad as an Artifact may appear to be in the majority opinion, there may still be individual reviewer's who assert "It's not that bad and I like it for such-and-such a reason". There are Differences of opinion. Perhaps things to learn about Art and Humanity. How people respond to the value of Respect for Diversity is revealing about the human condition. I find it useful evidence to support the assertion that Freedom of Expression in Art's Review as well as Freedom of Expression in Art's Creation is an important element in the Artistic Endeavor. And further, to be respectful, the "Artifact tells us something about the Artist but not everything" and the "role of Artist tells us something about the Person but not everything". I would generally but humbly assert that the Creation tells a lot about the Creator. But probably not everything. So it's not the Final Judgment.
The MOBA Artifacts are also interesting in what they say about the role of Originality in Art. Originality alone is apparently not sufficient to aid an Artifact on its road to becoming acceptable nevermind a Masterpiece. And yet Originality is a desireable and perhaps key attribute many would associate with Good Art and with Art's greatest Masterpieces.
So how do we go about to create and retain Bad Art? Some potential reasons why some Artists fail to reach the threshold and rise above the level of achieving an acceptable art form in their Artifacts might include one or more of the following attributes of Artistic Insight, Formulation, and Expression:
- Failure of Observation
- Failure of Composition
- Failure of Technique
- Failure of Imagination
- Failure of Frame or Installation
- Failure to Balance or Trade Artistic Freedom and Artistic Control
- Failure to Destroy after a Failed Effort or Exploration
Perhaps in the MOBA Artifacts we are in fact witnessing a very real Artifact that is a bona-fide expression of a somewhat failed Self at a moment in time through failed Art. And it is difficult to view the genuine and real failure of Another in close proximity in the realm of the Connectedness of Humanity. And again, there is a Range of Failure and a Range of Tolerance to it.
Perhaps there is something to be said about the manner in which the Artist allows their effort to contribute to or destroy their potential Reputation and Brand. Perhaps we are witnessing evidence of a type of self-destruction whether intentional or unintentional in that some Humans and some Artists have not yet learned the self-protective mechanisms helpful to either Survival or Growth or Success. Knowing how to identify a dead-end in the Artistic Endeavor or Creative Pursuit, when to destroy an Artifact, and how to preserve one's core Self and/or artistic process and results amidst an environment of experimentation may be indicated. Sometimes we have to just avoid or stop self-destructive behavior. But it may be true that for some Artists, the need for Self-Expression trumps any other consideration even Rejection or Criticism. It may even be true that some successful Artists have destroyed or painted over Original Artifacts that might be deemed Valuable by Others. Again, is this a Mistake, an Error, a Travesty, or a deliberate Freedom of Expression by the Artist?
Perhaps the MOBA Artifacts tell us not so much about the elements surrounding the Artistic Endeavor but more about the elements important to a successful Creative Pursuit. In other words, each of the Artist's that created an Artifact that ended up in the MOBA applied their Life Force and Energy to their participation in their own Artistic Endeavor along their Life's Journey which appears to be a commendable Journey. But for various reasons, their Creative Pursuit may have left something to be desired. Perhaps the MOBA controversy can be evaluated thus: We are not rejecting their choice of the Artistic Endeavor but we reject or may not accept the results of some aspects of their particular Creative Pursuit. More on the Creative Pursuit at a later date.
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