After many years of studying and reading about the Impressionist style, I happened upon one the best characterizations of the movement from a book in my local library recently. How did I miss this one? Modern French Painters by R. H. Wilenski. Originally published in 1939, I borrowed the 1963 edition.
Lessons Learned: In summary from the rich detail provided, the Impressionist articles of faith include:
Lessons Learned: In summary from the rich detail provided, the Impressionist articles of faith include:
- First, a visual impression of a scene from a moment in time accidently encountered by the artist
- Second, start and complete the painting of the scene en pleine aire, outdoors not in the studio, preferably in one sitting
- Third, utilize a bright and lively palette of tonal color
- Fourth, utilize a method of "broken color"...the application of pigment in small strokes that merge at a distance
- Fifth, utilize a unique perspective, angle, view, frame, and/or panorama
The advent and rise of photography would also coincide somewhat with the Impressionist movement and eventually supercede its prevalence as a popular way to record a moment in history. In years to come, the 'Kodak Moment" would become the more republican and democratic way to create and record the important "still life" image. An ever widening user-audience could frame the picture with a simpler skill set than the time, training or talent drawing and painting might require. The digital age has taken "point-and-click-and share" to affordable new heights with remarkable quality and distribution.
My first original Impressionist painting according to these basic tenets was Celebration of Passage (2009).

Original Art: Copyright James E. Martin 2009
Description: I had been contemplating doing an original Impressionist painting for quite some time. My oldest daughter graduated high school in 2009 and my second oldest daughter graduated from middle school the same year. A graduation party was hosted in our front yard replete with red balloons tied to our white scalloped picket fence representing the local school colors. The following morning I arose with the dawn to complete the yard cleanup and beheld two balloons lazily drifting in a mild wind after losing some of their helium by the open corner gate. That moment in time, the two balloons yearning to be free of their restraints at the open gate from within the fences bounding our property iconified how I perceived my two girl's Celebration of Passage through one of life's gates to the next phase of their maturity and subsequent release to the world at large. I had planted a small Blue Spruce christmas tree at the corner years earlier which had the potential to baseline the painting and the girl's growth over time as we viewed the painting against the tree's growth in the future. The perspective and composition for the fence, shrubs, flowers, trees, and gate was there in the blink of an eye. No arrangement of objects required. The light was dramatic. Today was the day. This was the moment.
With the five tenets of Impressionism in mind, the easel was set up for a suitable perspective to frame the picture based on that moment's inspiration and the painting started and completed within a few hours using colors straight from the paint tube with little mixing. Although, I took digital photos throughout the session of what I was painting to characterize the changing light for later retrospection, I didn't refer to them because of the sun's glare on the small digital viewer. I recall a sense of anxiety about the manner in which the light changed during the session. But I very much enjoyed the challenge of coloring the grass in the yard based on its hillocks, dips and shadows. Speed was of the essence. I felt I couldn't paint fast enough. It was my first experience with the Impressionist approach in real time. I found it challenging and exhilarating by the time I was finished. I finally and actually knew in some small way what they had experienced in France during the late 1800s.I have found that my study of Victorian history and the Impressionist era has influenced my "mind's eye". Capturing those particular observed moments in Time and Space in my daily walk serves to inspire a litany of potential art motifs and locations. Some days I cannot outline the ideas fast enough. Studying the Impressionist paintings regarding their approach, development of motif, methods, and techniques has served to influence how I approached this first painting and what I was seeking to accomplish. But caution is well advised that a "formula" to painting is not necessarily what I am about or what I am after.Lesson Learned: Living in the moment is one of the life's deep satisfactions. The Artistic Endeavor and the Creative Pursuit help give meaning to some of the important moments. Seek to exercise and emphasize Tenet 5 to discover unique perspectives.
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