We live in what may be the greatest of times. Just imagine for a moment the tantamount number of souls across human history that have experienced only hunger, poverty, famine, ignorance, disease, violence, war, fear, tyranny, bondage, oppression, and obscurity. Have we really considered, personally and corporately, the end result of the lack of freedom and venue in the world to BECOME somebody special and noteworthy based on who you are or who you want to be? Have our conclusions, our thinking, and our actions truly influenced how we behave and decide in the moment? What has humanity not attained, gained, or retained as a result of the spirit of darkness that suppresses or ignores the achievement and recognition of individual creative expression? How should we position ourselves and posture our artistic efforts amidst the clamour, chaos, clutter, and noise that might drown an emergent pure and sweet song?
Throughout all the ages of humanity, each soul has lived their allotted time on this green earth. Each individual is framed by their geneological roots, born to a time, germinated in a country, fostered by their family, shaped by their culture, and handed their talents. We are born of water and return to dust. We do not choose these foundations.
Yet, each of us has a Unique Potential based on our foundations. No one else in all of humanity has been given our particular and marvelous formula of attributes. By deliberately and purposefully selecting the direction for and application of our life's force and energy, we can execute activities in Time to leverage our talents, increase our knowledge, grow our abilities, develop our skills, and add to our experiences. We can share ourselves, connect, and inspire others. Perhaps it can be asserted that the fulfillment of the human spirit is in achieving one's Unique Potential along life's journey.
We may live in obscurity. Or we can endeavor, with providential wisdom, discernment, and guidance, to live our lives in a creative pursuit, to study, follow, and emulate those who have gone before us, to make our own contribution and legacy through personal hard work and concerted effort, to innovate with our mind, our heart, and our voice, and therefore to make our individual mark with our own destiny to scribe upon the recording of world history.
Manifestoa: My recommended position and posture is this.....Let us each, then, resolve to march forward today and each moment thereafter, with deliberate design intent, finding our own purposeful way and manner, running the race that is set before us, overcoming obstacles and limitations, emanating the joy and happiness of our own melody and light, respecting the value of others, embracing the diversity around us, connecting and sharing for the greater good, absorbing and reflecting the influence from the communities that surround us, making a joyful noise and dance, resonating the harmony of many voices that influence who we are, and thus create our individual Masterpiece upon the timeline of humanity.